Active Living for the Young at Heart
Wesley Court is a senior living community in Abilene, Texas offering Executive Homes, Apartments and Multiple Care Options
A friendly, safe place where I have everything I need and none of the responsibilities. Everyone is so kind and fellow residents are like old friends.”
Anita W., Resident, Wesley Court
Schedule a visit and experience it for yourself.

Discover just how good life can be!
With us, you have the
freedom to choose
the home that’s right for you.
Choose from our stunning homes, from small and cozy to spacious and luxurious.
Relax in luxurious spaces that serve a variety of your needs.
Make new friends and be part of a caring community.

Schedule a visit and experience it for yourself.
In addition to our Independent Living Homes and Apartments, we're here to support you, no matter what your needs may be.
Our highly skilled nursing staff are here to help you continue enjoying life.
Our campus offers 19 assisted living apartments so you can stay independent together.
We have a well-equipped healthcare center to help you gain back your health.
You never need to feel like a burden on your friends and family with our respite support.
“The friendships, security and staff are just a few of my favorite things about living at Wesley Court.
Doris W.